== synhack.org ==

the cybersecurity of fairytales

cybersecurity reseach
A few months back, Luca Viganò published this research paper on the usage of fairytales to explain cybersecurity concepts. This is well thought out and provides fantastic material for anyone who wishes to explain cyber to a non-technical audience. […]fairy tales represent cybersecurity archetypes in their simplest and barest form, and afford us (some of) the best clues to the understanding of the processes going on in the collective psyche of the cyberworld. Read more...

An early warning of the XZ Compromise?

OpenBSD Cybersecurity XZ Supply-chain
Theo de Raadt, founder and main developer of OpenBSD, a UNIX like operating system with a strong focus on security, gave a talk in Quebec City in 2015 during the Hackfest conference on “pledge() a new mitigation technique”. The presentation covers the security benefits of the newly introduced system call: pledge. In short, “pledging” a new program promises which system calls it will make thus making the program crash if attempts to call any other undeclared system calls. Read more...

The WAR of ART Review

I would describe myself as a light social media consumer and had put an effort to identify Youtube channels that I found both interesting, entertaining from which i could learn from. Lately consuming these channels became challenging as a few months back (maybe even a year or two) Youtube default mode switched to promtoing attention seeking short videos probably to compete with TikTok or any other platform that promotes short videos. Read more...

An Elegant Weapon

“an elegant weapon for a more civilized age” Behind the scenes this site is running a simple yet effective setup for a simple website and blog. The setup goes like this: Operating System: OpenBSD Webserver: HTTPD Static site generator: Hugo (running on my laptop) Content publication process: scp Firewall: PF this couldn’t be simpler which is a lovely feature. In previous attempts at blogging, i tested WordPress, Ghost and possibly other CMS and never got to be comfortable with the setup. Read more...

First Post

Intro Welcome to synhack.org. this site is built and operated by Christian Lecompte. The main focus of this blog is cybersecurity and how to provide interesting solutions to cyber problems. I do expect to lightly cover other topics such as IT technology. I invite you to subscribe to the rss feed in the reader of your choice. My prefered one is netnewswire
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